Dear Tony,
My wife and I are working on a small book club which we made by ourselves. And we teach English story to children.
I and my wife like your poem. But it would be difficult to me if I have to decide what is good or bad among your works. I think there is no real boundary between them.
You are a poet. And you have your own poet style. Nobody judges yours.
You just write your poem and others read and enjoy reading them.
In Korea, a potter, ceramist makes a piece of china from hundreds of china. And he destroys the others out. You may work for the one word or one imagination from thousand and thousand of them.
There are beautiful ones and some ugly ones among flowers. But all they come out from the hard earth and hard season, winter. They are wonderful creatures, aren't they?
One poem, one flower, one china, they are the same thing.
I am happy that I know a real poet in the world.
Isaac (Hyun-Cheol Kim), South Korea