The world is filled with poetry lovers and poetry haters and in many cases the one thing that all the haters have in common is that they have never really tried to read poetry. While some can be pretentious and filled with a considerable lack of meaning, when you come across a talented poet, his or her creation can truly touch your soul. Tony Kaplan’s work certainly fits into the latter category and his collection of poems, The November Tree, is so varied that there is quite possibly a poem in there to fit every scenario and mood.
He is known to be the most prolific poet in the country, and yet the quantity of work in no way diminishes the quality. Each poem has simplicity of form that allows the meaning for the individual reader to come across clearly and as a whole the collection is one to be treasured and brought out in times of melancholy and when a need for insight and inspiration is apparent.
This is the perfect collection to dip into at odd times of need and there is undoubtedly a favourite in there for everyone. Personally, ‘A Straight Cat’ spoke to me on many levels and is a fine example of the manner in which Tony Kaplan entices you in with the first verse, only to reveal true depth as the poem moves on. This book will remain a treasured item, but poetry lovers should keep an eye on Kaplan’s work, as there is surely more to come.